Several months ago, I decided it was time again for me to begin a blog. I was searching for myself. Searching for passion, searching for a way to feel like I was actively contributing to my family. I know I should feel wholly fulfilled by being a SAHM, but really, is that all there is? Oops... did I just switch tenses? Yes that's me. Still lost. Still searching.
I began by creating a list of posts, all saved in draft form. (Dear Lord, don't let them accidentally publish.) It's a rather revealing snapshot of who I feel like I am and a glimpse of what I want to be. There are titles about my joy in family. There are those about my slightly crunchy (isn't everyone now?) lifestyle. There are those where I mean to encourage myself. There are many about my shortcomings and quirkiness.
I'm wondering what to do about this list of drafts. It could live out in internet-land, hidden in my blogger dashboard, like my own tiny secret. Or I could take my life out of draft. Publish life? I could begin to write my own story. Then begin to live my own story.
To be honest with you, I now feel like a big cliche. Here I am, another mommy-blogger. Another voice in the crowd. But you know what? That's okay. I can hear myself in the crowd. And I think that's the point.
And if your house burns down, an online journal for your kids to see one day. (Ok that's not the real motivation for me but a part. I love your last line about hearing yourself in the crowd. I hear you too!!)